Tuesday 18 January 2011

hmmmm another day off......

 The sun came out today, and cast some beautiful shadows, so I took this photo.
Then after having a look through some blogs, I decided to bake, I love these rock cakes in Jane Brockett's book The Art of Gentle Domesticity. I turned the oven on, got the baking tray out, and went to the drawer to get the baking parchment.....and I hadn't got any. OMG, no rock cakes today!!!
But as consolation we got 2 deliveries of post today (makes a change from the days over Christmas when we got nothing - Christmas cards are still arriving!) and in the second one I got my Spring Sarah Raven catalogue, with 15% discount - I am so happy, there are some wicker hurdles in there I will be ordering to try and keep the girls off my flowers - I know, I know it won't work, but at least it will look pretty.
 I added some more fabric to my quilt, which is growing beautifully.......followed by....
tea cakes with my daughter. What a lovely day.



VintageVicki said...

Apart from the lack of rock cakes - it looks like you've had a great day :) Wasn't it great to see the sun :)

PS - As I always ran out, I bought 2 silicone liners which are really brilliant for biscuit & rock cake making ;)

Serenata said...

Lovely day. Your quilt is growing. Sorry about the rock cakes!

Kaye said...

On the plus side, at least you realized you had no parchment paper BEFORE you mixed the dough for your rock cakes.

Kelly said...

It's annoying when you don't have what you need in the house isn't it!!! Fab photos though and the quilt looks great!