Tuesday 12 January 2010


There are so many things I would like to try/tackle/achieve/enjoy in 2010....I am going to start listing now, and probably add to it as the year goes on. I will have the chance to review as I go along and add things that have been lurking in my subconscious but don't immediately come to mind:
- I would like to wrestle some of my garden back from the girls. As much as I love them, the garden does look as though a plague of locusts have been through. It is currently still covered in a blanket of snow and ice, so doesn't look as bad as it actually is. I am sure Amelie, Audrey and I can reach a agreement that will suit everyone.
- Lose some weight - I know this is January and is a cry that goes up from most people after the indulgences of Christmas and New Year. My plan is to be sensible about it (and realistic), eat a little less and move around a little more.
- Learn to crochet - this is a must! I have been inspired by this wonderful blog, Attic 24 and her beautiful creations. Please go and have a look at her blog, you probably already know it, I can't believe it is such a recent discovery for me - so inspired that I am expecting a delivery of yarn any day now complete with a crochet hook. Having talked it over with DH there were 2 ways I could go after being hit by "I really must create something as beautiful as that!!!". I could either order 1 ball of wool and a hook, and try and learn OR order all the wool I need and then learn. DH reckons this will be enough of an incentive to learn - how could I possibly not learn with that amount of yarn sitting in my living room. So watch this space for photos any day now.
- Redecorate the bathroom - I have found some lovely Cath Kidstonesque floral wall paper. The bathroom is tiny, so DH...the challenge is on!! He has 2 weeks off in February, so this one could be ticked off pretty quickly.
- Get something done with my hair. It is kind of curly, but mainly frizzy, hangs below my shoulders with no fringe (it is too frizzy for that kind of thing), and I generally always wear it scraped back in a tie, severely scraped back off my face. I love the curliness of it esp when I have taken the time to dry it properly, but I keep catching my mother in reflections and photos...so plans are afoot. I like straightening it but this means a bit of high maintenance (well, in my life that is high maintenance!!), it would mean getting up at 6am every morning and it is all I can do to fall out of bed to fall into the shower at 6.50am....so an appointment has been made for a discussion with Marianne, and perhaps we can find a suitable cut that will suit straightening it fairly quickly in the mornings, so perhaps I can get up at 6.30am (it is a doable compromise), and that will look ok if not straightened. I guess I am looking for a hair style that I feel suits me.......can't go on with this scraped back "do" for much longer though.
- Slowly bring DH round to the idea of redecorating the living room. Decorating isn't something that happens much in this house. As we both work full time, and don't get the same days off finding time for this kind of thing is difficult. I know the arguments that if we really wanted to, we would find the time - we just aren't DIYers....one way round that really........give it a go!! Had I started doing yoga 6 years ago when I first thought about it I would be pretty proficient by now...pity I didn't start ;-)
- Get off t'internet!!!! How will I get anything done if I sit blogbrowsing all night - you all write such lovely blogs, take beautiful photos and inspire me, but I need to shorten my browsing time. This crochet thing has got to happen!!!!

Well, DH has gone to pick up DD from a night out, and I guess it is time for bed. Now we have this new toy in the house - wireless broadband - I guess I can just pick this up again tomorrow....

If anyone knows any tips for learning to crochet, I would really appreciate them - the pressure is on, but in a good way :)

Night night x

1 comment:

Bezzie said...

Those goals seem attainable.

As per crochet: I found I learned when I had a live human teaching me. Of course I can't understand crochet patterns--so I guess I only know "conversational" crochet!