Monday 18 January 2010

Some good news...

I emailed the company I bought my crochet hook from to tell them of it's sad demise and they have very kindly put another one in the post for me. Let's hear it for Stash Yarns. Lovely people!! Fantastic customer service!! Will I use them again? Of course I will!

Pity they can't help with my radio - which has been condemned today. Apparently it isn't worth repairing!! No, of course it isn't, that is why DH paid £100 for it expecting a life times service from it, not 4 years and a sucking in through the teeth. The "repair" agent who called me asked if it was my "little pink radio", that it wasn't the adaptor or the adaptor socket (I could have told him that!!), and so it must be the "mother board" which is very expensive to repair so not worth it. I pointed out that I expected more from something with such a good name and that was expensive, that I actually expected life from it, especially when it never left the kitchen window. He said (and I can't believe this) that "it is an electrical item and that I shouldn't expect any more from it nowadays than the 4 or so years I got".
I have contacted the manufacturers.

Also first thing this morning DD's key broke off in the lock - I dashed back from work and I tried to get it out but couldn't so had to call a locksmith, who got the piece out in less than a minute and charged me the callout/first half hours fee of £58.75 - yes, I did ask if he couldn't have made it look more difficult to fix than it was and make it last 29 mins...he looked really sheepish, and I know its his job, but it did hurt to pay it...BUT he did sort it out, in the first time slot and I didn't have to buy a new lock so really it wasn't too bad.....

Today I just felt like going back to bed and pulling the covers up and that was before I got the calls from DD and the radio agent....

So I booked a holiday - a week in Cornwall is now written in big letters on the calender - I am so excited and can't wait to go....but will have to contain myself for at least 6 months!!!!

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