Wednesday, 26 November 2008

You can knit a Colinette Throw....

but why is it that cats prefer paper and cardboard???? Buggers!

At least she is washing I s'pose!!
Onto other things...I have been second guessed on a PM sent by Lulu. She has guessed that I have started quilting...but when I say started, that is it...started. I have cut some squares, and put them in a safe place. But here is a photo just for Lulu:

And in the meantime I have been very inspired by both allsorts and Creative Breathing, both beautiful blogs that are most definitely worth a visit.
Look, the beginnings of a garland - I am SO pleased with them, and am hoping to get it finished this afternoon.....

I AM still knitting, I just don't get enough hours in the day, or daylight in the day to photo it all. And why is it that I always decide to Christmas Craft at the end of November when work is hectic, days off become limited between now and Christmas, I work late nights on every Thursday, doing a 13 hour day....DHs b'day is at the begining of December and I haven't started Christmas Shopping yet.....why can I not do this in August, and relieve the pressure!!


Bezzie said...

I love the beginning of your garland!!!

Unknown said...

That garland is going to be spectacular!