Saturday, 15 November 2008

Snoring Cats and the GOD who is NIGEL SLATER - all hail!!!

Topsey is curled up on a cushion on the settee next to me, she is so happy and relaxed that she is snoring. She went into the garden this morning and came back in covered in lots of little seeds that clung to her fur, the challenge was to get them all out of her fur without getting my hand torn off - I didn't......get them all out, my hands have been torn to pieces - sigh! They are the type of seeds that will work their way to her skin, get underneath it and then infect her skin...having already had an "unknown how it got there" puncture on her a few months ago, I am concerned to make sure one of these doesn't slip past me and we end up at the vets again. When she is snoring without one eye open I may just tackle her belly, the tail is clear!

Seeing the Malluh covered in these seeds got me out into the garden today to clear the end of the year plants out - so much to do. The grapes had to be tackled and cut back, the blackbirds weren't too impressed, but I kept them a few back. The monbretia had to be torn out, and in the Spring I must remember it needs to be dug up and divided so it flowers again - this year we had no flowers as it was too congested. The honeysuckle was trimmed, the holly cut back a little, the dahlias tidied up and the aquilgeiga was pulled out (leaving the roots). So, busy all round. My green bin is now full but won't be emptied til April, by then it will either be a putrid mass of compost OR wind, because of the amount of grapes I put in there.

Whilst I was in the garden today I came across a lizardy/newty thing.....I don't know who was more or him! DD had just gone out with her friend, and DH had just gone out on The Bitch, I HAD NO-ONE TO SHOW......then DH came back as he had forgotten his spare inner tubes. I excitedly said for him to come and see what I had found, we went.....Newty had gone :-(
Oh well, maybe tomorrow........

Today I cooked THE Christmas Cake, courtesy of that wonderful man Nigel Slater from his book The Kitchen Diaries . The man is a GOD. I cannot recommend him and his recipes highly enough. Please check out his website, his books and his recipes...........The cake has been made early, but all the better for feeding with alcohol, ready for DD and DH to decorate it (photos will follow just before Christmas Eve). The plastic robins are awaiting...

DH went out and bought me a pressie today.....Country Living. THE CHRISTMAS EDITION. I haven't looked at it yet, I am going to savour it with a glass of red wine and a mince pie. It is nearly Christmas.

DH and I are off for our annual shopping trip soon, off to the beautiful city of Birmingham to go to the German Markets. Hot chocolate with Baileys and german sausage! Can't wait.....

The Yankee Candle is burning (cinnamon at the moment), the red wine is calling, and I really must try a mince pie.....

Who is liable to win I'm a Celebrity this year????? Hhhhmmmmm, motley crew!

1 comment:

Bezzie said...

I need a picture of this cake!!