Friday, 16 March 2007

Last weekend

I cannot believe that am only posting this now. Where has the week gone? It is Friday already....Red Nose Day.

Last Saturday we went to Leamington Spa. DH bought bits for the THE BITCH - here she is!
and some gratutitous BITCH PRON shots

DD went to TopShop and bought a very cute skirt - picture of which will be posted later, she is wearing it to school as Red Nose Day is also non uniform day, and I managed to go to Web of Wool and only buy some bamboo circulars:
but they are nice aren't they!!??? I think I may be buying some more!
Oh, and on the way there we went past these little fellas:

Actually, DH delibrately drove down this road, just so we could take piccies for the blog.
Isn't it great, living in the depths of Warwickshire. I should be able to get photos of the camels too :-)

Then, we went to Sainsbury's and bought these:OREOS

My idea of heaven. There were originally 10 boxes; we did get some funny looks at the checkout, but it was worth it. Look at that for a photo!!!!!!!! Not as good as the american ones, but they'll do.

On Sunday, DD cooked some beautiful scones, but with the Bonne Maman Jam and the clotted cream, they were eaten way before we could get a photo :-)

And.......I think I may have my knitting mojo lurking there somewhere. The photo with the new needles is a new project, but I can't say anything more about it as the recipient does read this blog, even though "they" may not post a lot ;-) Hope you like it.

I am off to meet DD for a cuppa in town at 4pm, and then it is a chinese with a bottle of wine in front of Comic Relief- and yes, I voted for Tara, well it would have been rude not to after her performance of Nancy Sinatras "These Boots are made for walking" last night....I don't usually vote for this kinda thing, but it is for Comic Relief, and she was funny!

I also now have a red button that works - I have only been waiting 7 years, and I have 2 men fixing our flat roof...goodness, can it get anymore exciting!


Bezzie said...

Tell hubby The Bitch is quite beautiful. But yes, I do like your clap more. ;-)

Faerynuff said...

I was so pleased that Tara won! There is something realy likeable about her.

Love your clap, and DH's bike. Hmm, it's a bike. I'm more a yarn and 2 sticks girl! But it's got a nice paintjob.

I went out with a mountain biker for 2 years. He paid £600 for a paintjob on his bike, it was really good but £600!

Anonymous said...

The synapse is a marvelous bike. She should treat your husband very well as long as he treats you and her well.

maryannlucy said...

DH got very excited about the comments you all made..I have suggested he start his own blog, and get off mine!