Sunday, 23 March 2008

I am in lurve.....

but what do I lurve more, my new pomatomus socks that I have just this second finished, or my harmony DPNs that I have knitted them on - yes, yes I bought the DPNs too (had to be done) . Damn, but these sox look fab - I have knitted them in hot pink and they fit like they were knitted just for me <3 Actually they are for DD but when she tried on #1 she declared it too small, so they may just be for me - swoon! No piccies though :( but why not I hear you is because my camera is currently in Memphis with DD, DH and has just travelled down from a 2 day stopover in NY (they all waved to Bezzie when they were there) and it is currently being employed in Graceland. This weekend it will travel onto Nashville before at some point comingback with at least 999 photos (none of which will be duplicated of course). It is very strange being at home just me and the team (Archie and the Rumpies)...oh and 1 dead mouse (so far). Waving them off was very strange...I went back to bed and cried, but maybe that was because it was 4am and I had to go to work at 8am. DD and DH would be crap as Santa, they got up at 3am and stomped around with the stage whispers of "shhhh, don't wake mum" which obviously did. I went to work at 7.20am - what else do you do when you have to go to work at some point -if I picked up my knitting I would never have got to work. This weekend is a long one - which means I managed to get these sox finished (finally, a pair of sox, 2, left AND right). My sister keeps phoning saying things like, "what do you mean you haven't seen another human being all day", "have you really not left the house!!!!", "you are what!!!! knitting!!!!", " have you not left the house at all".
I can happily answer that no I have not really left the house:
I work bloody hard all year and it is good to just sit and enjoy peace and quiet in the place where I CHOOSE to live.
I have enjoyed catching up on the housework (a bit every day - today I steamed a carpet, it looks like new, what is not to love)
I am enjoying spending time with the cats who have chosen to live with us, they are good company
I am enjoying watching shite TV all day as I sit and knit
I am enjoying getting up when I want to, and having a pyjama day
I am enjoying having the time to knit
I am loving catching up with Knitty and Ravelry
I am enjoying updating the Yay-Pod
I am enjoying reading and catching up with blogs I have fallen behind with....

In other words I am enjoying spending time doing what I want to do, where I want to do it, when I want to do it......... and I can do it all again tomorrow

But it is odd lying in bed in an empty house (of humans, not furry friends), thinking about my family being half way round the world....BUT we have email, we have phones and we are keeping in touch. And I also have furry friends freaking out at 4am, cos another furry beast is trying to get into the cat flap....well I was woken by growling, I ran downstairs and found the Rumps pinned to the walls in the hall with fear, and Archie all hackled up looking twice is normal size (normal is fucking enormous, so imagine what I witnessed....) and growling for all he was worth, with the catflap swinging....who needs dogs :)

Tomorrow I begin Jaywalker #2 for DH...I may just rip the first one as it was finished oooohhhhh a long time fact, do I even know where it is....but apparently his team is relying on Jaywalker 2 to stay up in the Premier League (good sign this weekend, they had a good result and other teams have good result for them too, and all because I knew that #2 was about to hit the Harmonies).

The football was the first thing DH asked me about when he called me from Newark............happy days!

Cheers and Happy Easter! Cheers, as I have found a bottle of Disarronno that would be rude to ignore now I have dusted it off, and Happy Easter cos the Bunny found me, decorated my tree and left me a chocolate bunny, which sadly is no more.....


Batty said...

Happy Easter! So glad you're having fun. Show us pictures of your fabulous pink Pomatomuses! Hey, I think Pink Pomatomus is a great band name...

Bezzie said...

Do you find yourself talking to the cats and them answering? That happens a lot when I'm alone ;-)

It tickles me that they flew over!

Anonymous said...

Why Hello,Elvis says Hi! x

weezalana said...

Sounds like a lovely, relaxing time!

Hehehe, you've got guard cats!

Lucy said...

Sock, crap TV and cats for company sounds like a perfect weekend to me.
I would have lied about the football scores just to teach him a lesson.

They'll be back before you know it. xx