Friday, 15 February 2008

It must be school holiday time...

as I have managed to post x2 in 2 days....
Nothing exciting today - but a fab sign of Spring - Look, daffs on the to be worth just posting that, but we also have a few shots of Harmonies enjoying the beginnings of a beautiful season...
Harmonies playing tennis...
Harmonies enjoying the better weather

Harmonies being carries down the slope very carefully by DD

And finally, Harmonies waiting to cross the road...

now to just cast on and get on with the next project. DD is out, DH is at work, the housework is done (ROFLOL yeah right!), the tea is made and Bewitched is on the TV. Happy Knitting :)

The original Bewitched, of course!


Beverly said...

Those Harmonies sure do get around!

weezalana said...

Well, it's good to see the Harmonies are getting some fresh air and exercise. That's important for growing needles. ;)

Bezzie said...

Daffodils in FEBRUARY!?

I like the Harmonies crossing the road. Did they cross the road to meet the chicken?

Yvonne said...

We got dafs recently too, isn't it great? Spring is on the way!!

Batty said...

I'm embarrassed. Your needles are more active and athletic than me!

Anonymous said...

Maryannlucy, Maryannlucy
Wherefore art thou, Maryannlucy???
Lotsa love, lulu