and it is going to be a photo heavy post, as once again
Lulu has surpassed herself with generosity! A huge parcel was delivered this morning, but look what it had wrapped around it....Customs had been opened and checked!!! Maybe they had read her recent post and decided that we needed checking out.

The first thing I took out isn't photo'd as I forgot in the excitement of everything, and it has disappeared upstairs and been used already. It is a pot of vanilla body moisturiser which is lovely and rich and smells heavenly. But when I got it out of the box, the pot was covered in moisturiser and the lid was cracked - oh well I thought, it can't have travelled well, never mind! Seemed a bit strange as Lulu always packs things really well, but the parcel had come a long way. It was only when I cleaned it up that I realised that the lid hadn't been cracked in transit, the pot had been checked by Customs and must have cracked then. When they opened it up to take a look, they inadvertently wiped some of the cream on the outside of the pot and that is how it got there...I wonder what they were looking for????? They can't have found it anyway, as the parcel got here in record time again despite the curiosity of people in Coventry.
In the box we also got some yummy sweets. DD is in love with the kisses, I have hidden the chocolate, and you only see one pack of Apple Rolls as I ate one pack with coffee this morning - they are delicious.

She also sent a magazine called Friday, which I am looking forward to reading later especially the article about Paulo Coelho whose work I love. Lulu had tracked down this info from somewhere - how fab an SP is she??

Then there were pencils for DD, who started a fashion and textiles NVQ today, so those will come in especially useful. And some fab post-it notes with a bite out of them, that no doubt DD will plaster round the house with instructions on - bless her!

Look, some knitting bits - cotton for dishcloths, and loads of patterns that she tracked down for me for dishcloths and tablemats - she tracked down the fact that I love knitting dishcloths - stalker me thinks, not an SP.

There are also some plastic pockets to store projects in, and a round wotsit to store beads and bits in.
AND a shopping bag that packs down into a small bag. This was tested out this afternoon, and holds a lot and the cat was grateful as it also carries cat food.

Then DDs favourite - the camels! on a string! with a bell on their bottom! Here they are modelling some brilliant camel wrapping paper:

We had chickens hanging at the bottom of the stairs:

but now we have camels!!!! How many people have camels? There are an awful lot of chickens about, but I have never seen camels - well I have now!

Goodness, there is more: some South African things cos that is where she hails from. Some flags, a sticker and 2 flags (I hope I have positioned them the write way up), a grass rush mat which will be great on the coffee table and stop DH putting hot things straight down, and a really pretty beaded spoon which is far too nice to use.

And then a small tray each for our drinks - one each - yay!!!

I don't know what to say about this SP round. I was lucky enough to be matched with the nicest, kindest, funniest, most generous person I could have been matched with. Lulu has been absolutely brilliant. Because of her I have been introduced to MSN, and we chat to the wee small hours - more her than me,as she is 3 hours ahead, but it is still late. And we chat about nothing, though Italian Stallions and trips to the Lake District have made for fairly sensible breaks amidst the silliness. When she joins another SP round, and I know she will, whoever is lucky enough to get her will have a great time.
I have certainly found a friend - thank you
Knitty x
In all this excitement, I forgot to post that I have an FO. And I have actually worn it. Description and pictures soon.
Wow! That is some amazing spoilage, lucky you!
How cute are those camels on a string?!
That's quite a haul... so many cute little surprises. Love the camels. - zuma
what a fabulous swap buddy! everything is so cute. i want to get in on a swap like this! do y'all include people from across the pond?
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