Saturday, 17 May 2008
And it gets better....
Friday, 16 May 2008
Wednesday, 14 May 2008
A sunny morning...
Then I found Archie in the hall basking in the sun (he isn't that fat, he used to be, now it is just a lot of loose skin - he is old you know!)
And just when I thought he may be dead, he raised his head to prove me wrong - thank god!
Where is Topsey - under the bed in disgrace! I must have jinxed her good behaviour yesterday as she disappeared last night at midnight. We searched the house, the garden, the street, she was nowhere to be found so we went to bed and hoped...........I then woke up at 3am thinking I was paralysed as Topey was asleep on my legs and I (once again) was pinned and couldn't move. It was all good!
On a not so good note, I have lost contact with a friend in China. I have emailed his yahoo address and keep getting messages saying that my emails are undeliverable - this could be explained by him changing his address and not telling me - he is an intermittent emailer. I have contacted a "cc" on an email he has sent me a few weeks ago, so hopefully I will get an email saying that this is the case and that my geography of China is crap - fingers and everything else crossed.
Tuesday, 13 May 2008
Monthly Catch Up
This bit has been edited for the same reasons as above. My original vent is over I want to move on!
What else......Maddie came home in her little box which is bigger and heavier than she ever was, but it is very posh with her name engraved on a brass plaque on the top...I have never been so affected by the loss of a kitty, even today I cried a little! I only have to see her picture. She has had this affect on the whole family incl MIL who isn't really a cat lover, but even she teared up the other day...1 month today.
So much happened in April, I can't remember all of it, but maybe that is a good thing in a way....DH bought me a couple of books though, which was lovely:
I love this book. I sit and read it and I am sitting in a pastelaria eating a pastel de nata and drinking a bica, with the smell of mimosa...sigh...I would so love to close my eyes and open them and be there.....fantastic recipes including bitoque with a fried egg, and of course pastel de nata...
I love all of Tessa Kiros books, but this has to be my favourite
And DD also bought me this:This made for really interesting reading. I am not sure I can go along with all of it - for example, the view that people who have a major illness have somehow brought it on themselves, but it has made me consciously alter my thought patterns at times AND it was a huge help during the shitty time at made me stop and alter the way I was viewing it, so that has to be a good thing! It certainly came into my life at a time when I really needed it......
Having had such a physically and emotionally demanding few weeks, my body decided that today it wasn't going to do anything except sit and watch TV, so here is a photo of my day
This is sock No 2 for DH (the socks which kept his team in the Premier League apparently?!?!?!), and they are these - great pattern, they look great and are very interesting to knit, but I am a sock newbie.....
And I couldn't go without 2 more photos of the other furry purrers in our family. First off, Archie Welder, he's about 18, fat, arthritic but happy. Hobbies - sleeping, gravy licking (the others get to eat the sucked lumps - yum!), trying to escape from the front door at a fast pace (for him - so we just meander over to catch him), cat mind games and lying on newspapers that humans are reading.And Pumpkin - also known as P McGee, Psome 3some, Pumpkinella, Pumpkin McGee - she answers to all and none! Today she slept for 9 hours!! 9 hours in her chair!!! my friendly robin lived to sing another day though!
ah, so lovely x