Sunday, 17 January 2010

Is it really 17th of January already??

And so much has happened already. We had snow. If it snows here, it is really snowy everywhere else...we NEVER get snow here. So when it started snowing the other week, we pulled on our wellies, wrapped up well and went out for a wonderful walk. It was absolutely beautiful.

This is the house across the road from us.

DD is very excited about the weather!!

These just prove that you shouldn't breathe out through your mouth when taking a piccie of snow!

And despite all of this cold, cold weather, the girls continued to lay. I was putting hot wheat bags into the Eglu at night, to try and stop them from freezing to death, and most nights I lay in bed worrying about them. DH wouldn't let me bring them in! It is a good job I am not a farmer - we wouldn't be able to move around the house as we would be up to our knees in sheep as soon as the weatherman said it was going to be below zero.

Bless 'em!

Today the weather is positively Spring-like. It is warm and sunny, and showing huge amounts of potential for the year ahead.

So nice, in fact, that these 2 were just about happy to share a window cill. They both enjoy sitting watching the world go by, though I think the birds in the trees have something to do with it too.
Another sign that Spring is on it's way - lovely narcissi from showing their pretty faces already. And hyacinths given to me for Christmas by my friend Linda. And my latest acquisition from Ebay - the Eiffel Tower, Springtime in Paris!!

My name is Maryannlucy, and I am a Yarn Addict!!

But LOOK!!! I can crochet!! It is so addictive too. I am not sure I am doing it quite right, but it looks alright to me. I love the colours, and once again have to link you to my source of inspiration Attic24. Please go and have a look at her work, it is so colourful and happy, you can't help but be inspired.

Finally...baking was done yesterday...but a lot have gone already!!

MMmmmmmmm, yummy!

going, going....


Have a good week x


VintageVicki said...


Thankyou for your comment on my blog.

Have popped over for a looksie - you do take some great pictures - love the cake one.

Am drawn to your profile pic too - I loved the Clangers.

Kaye said...

Brrr...Wellies in the snow?

Love the granny squares. I can't figure out how to make a granny square. Only a circle!